Whitening Your Smile From Home

When you have stained teeth, your discoloration could impact your quality of life and lead to feeling self-conscious about your appearance. To brighten smiles and offer more dramatic results than store bought options, we have professional trays and gel. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist talks about teeth whitening.

The Causes of Your Teeth Stains

Why do our teeth develop discoloration? Several factors could be responsible. For example, when we drink beverages high in dark pigments, like coffee, red wine, soda, and tea, this could discolor teeth. Likewise, foods and drinks high in sugar could leave behind particles that feed bacteria, leaving behind plaque buildup that makes discoloration more visible. A lack of brushing and flossing could also stain your teeth, as could lack of routine cleanings to remove plaque and tartar. To remove these nutrients, you may benefit from teeth whitening.

Trays and Gel

When you visit our office, we will take detailed impressions of your smile and use them to create a custom set of plastic trays. We will send these trays home with you, and provide syringes of bleaching gel too. When you’re home, you will fill the trays with gel and then wear them for a set amount of time each day, which your dentist will recommend. The trays keep saliva from diluting the gel, and ensures the results are even across your smile. After one to two weeks, you could have teeth several shades brighter, and the trays and remaining gel are then yours to use as needed in the future.

If you have permanent teeth stains, also known intrinsic discoloration, these could be difficult to remove with teeth whitening trays and gel. However, we could simply mask them with dental bonding, using the same composite resin employed in our tooth-colored fillings. We could also mask them with porcelain veneers as well. These treatments also address other cosmetic concerns with the shape of the teeth too!

Keeping Teeth Shining

Along with teeth whitening, you can fight discoloration with good oral hygiene habits at home, such as regular brushing and flossing. You should drink more water and less options with dark pigments. A diet low in sugar and starch is helpful too. Finally, be sure to see us for a cleaning every six months. These actions not only keep teeth bright, but they fight serious concerns like tooth decay and even gum disease.

If you have any questions about teeth whitening or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today.

Do You Want a Brighter Smile?

Our team is eager to help you maintain a bright and beautiful smile. To learn more about our approach to cosmetic dentistry, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.

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