How Professional Cleanings Exceed The Level Of Care You Provide Your Smile At Home
Professional cleanings can be crucial to your overall smile care, even when you feel totally confident in your daily care regimen. One thing you will not be able to do at home, even if you keep up with terrific habits, is remove accumulated tartar from teeth. When this substance forms, it will take a professional cleaning to remove it. Failing to do so will leave you vulnerable to decay and gum disease.
Recognizing The Importance Of Routine Oral Health Evaluations
At every routine oral health evaluation, your dentist is looking closely for issues that can require professional care. During that review, they can spot a cavity before it becomes painful, and recommend the appropriate restorative dental treatment. These reviews also involve a search for signs of gum disease, TMJ dysfunction, and any signs of trouble that would make an oral cancer screening necessary.
Talk To The Dental Centre Of Conroe About Scheduling Your Dental Cleaning And Exam
When you come in for a routine appointment at the Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS will take care to ensure that you enjoy a detailed oral health review, along with a detailed teeth cleaning. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, call our Conroe, TX, dental office today at (936) 441-4600. We are proud to serve residents of Conroe, TX, as well as patients from Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring areas.