Common Sports Mishaps: Keep That Smile Safe!

Are you someone who loves to be active? Perhaps you or your family members like to exercise, ride bikes, roller blade, take part in organized sports, or even neighborhood activities! Whatever the case, as much as being active is an extremely important part of your overall health, we remind you that if you’re not careful, there are some mishaps that can negatively impact your oral health. Hoping to enjoy yourself, while keeping your smile in perfectly safe, good condition? Our Conroe, TX team couldn’t agree with your goals more! Allow our suggestions to guide you.

Always Wear Your Helmet!

Of course, we recommend that you always wear a helmet when the activity you’re engaging in could lead to a sharp blow to the head. It’s extremely important to take such safety measure if you’re roller blading, batting in baseball, on a bike, skateboarding, and more! What you might not realize is that in addition to keeping your brain safe, a helmet also keeps your face and mouth safe, should you fall, so you don’t break teeth, etc.! You may not find it to be the most fashion-forward decision but the benefit of keeping yourself safe, including your oral health, absolutely outweighs any and all possible drawbacks!

Don’t Skip The Athletic Mouthguard

Think that you should probably be wearing an athletic mouthguard, since you’re active and playing in sports? If so, we strongly suggest you speak with us about this topic during your next dental checkup! If you’re not yet familiar, we can quickly fill you in: Like you see on television or during live sporting events, a mouthguard is a soft yet cushioning piece that you can wear over your teeth to absorb shock and protect your oral health from accidents and injury!

Watch For Acidic Sports Drinks!

Do you secretly feel extra excited about athletic activities because it means you’ll be enjoying a sports drink? We certainly don’t like disappointing our patients but we do want you to have a realistic outlook in regard to this beverage and your smile care! Remember that these drinks are acidic, full of dyes, and often contain sugar. That’s a triple threat, which can harm your enamel, encourage decay, cause staining, and that you might want to simply skip when you can (and choose water instead).

Call Us For Emergency Care

End up with an oral health emergency, even though you did your best to protect your grin during sports? Call us! We offer emergency dental care!

Protect Your Smile During Sports

Let us know if you require any help with figuring out how to keep your smile safe when you participate in sports. Remember that we are happy to guide you with preventive tips and also offer emergency care! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.

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