Turkey: 2 Things To Remember For Smile Protection This Thanksgiving!

There are some things that you already know you should be careful about when it comes to our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. You know that you shouldn’t eat anything too hard because it can crack your teeth! You know that any amount of candy or pastries is going to mean a sugar-bath for your smile, which encourages decay. Fortunately, you’re all geared up for smile protection! However, on the flip side of things, you may find yourself asking: Is the star of this show safe for your dental health? Is choosing to add a slice or two of turkey to your plate going to be a wise selection or are there things you’re not considering? Let our Conroe, TX team offer you some enlightening information about eating turkey that you just might not know but that will serve your smile well.

#1: Eating It On Its Own: So Good For Your Smile!

Our team encourages you to remember that when you eat turkey all by itself, it’s safe for your dental health. It can’t crack your teeth, it’s free of sugar, it’s not starchy (so it isn’t going to cause decay), it’s not chewy (so it won’t exhaust your TMJs), and the list goes on and on. Of course, it’s a protein, too, which means it’s beneficial for your teeth. So, feel free to indulge in this savory and beloved fixture at the Thanksgiving table. (And remember, if you smother it with sugary cranberry sauce, this really changes things!).

#2: You Might Want To Keep Some Floss Nearby

If you’re eating turkey, remember that it’s quite easy for it to become stuck between teeth! Before you panic and call us to schedule an emergency dental visit, we have some dental health tips that will ensure you can easily dislodge the turkey, so you have more than enough time to calm down, take a deep breath, and prepare for dessert! Keep these details in mind when food becomes lodged between teeth:

  • You can often soften it, making it easier to remove, by rinsing with water
  • You may use a strand of floss to gentle wiggle food from between teeth
  • Chewing gum after a meal (as long as it’s sugar free) may also help dislodge food particles
  • Brushing your teeth can help, too!

Enjoy Helpful Tips During Checkups And Cleanings

Need some helpful tips for holidays and more? Simply let us know what you need a bit of help with during your next checkup and cleaning! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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