Choosing sedation dentistry for your visit is a wonderful idea if you suffer from any type of hesitation that keeps you from scheduling care. For instance, you might feel concerned about your upcoming visit because we plan on performing an extensive amount of work. Maybe you are one of the millions of patients who struggle with dental anxiety. Whatever the case, we always encourage you to speak up and ask your questions, so we can help provide you with the most comfortable experience possible. In the meantime, we would like to guide you through a quick refresher regarding the types of sedation we offer.
IV Sedation
This is the strongest form of sedation that we offer. If you are looking for sedation dentistry that will provide you with an exceptionally deep sense of calm, this is it. We will provide you with the medication by administering it directly into your bloodstream. Because we insert a tiny needle into your vein to provide you with this form of sedation dentistry, it is not suggested for individuals with a phobia of needles.
Oral Sedation
This form of sedation dentistry is also deep but is not quite an intense as IV sedation. Unlike IV sedation, this oral form does not require the use of a needle, so it makes a wonderful option for a patient who dislikes injections or needles of any kind. Instead, you will simply take a pill orally. You will swallow the relaxing medication before your appointment (or before your procedure), so you feel tranquil.
Keep in mind that you will need a friend or loved one to drive you home, whether you choose IV sedation or oral sedation.