Considering Cosmetic Care That Works For You

Ceramic veneers, lower central incisorsYour smile’s care matters tremendously, as your grin fulfills a number of functions essential to your daily survival. Indeed, these consist of biting, chewing, eating, and even enunciating. What’s more? Many people place an emphasis on their smile’s appearance, as a bright and jubilant grin is often indicative of a boosted sense of confidence in a person. On the other hand, this also means that even a single noticeable blemish can cause a person to shy away from photo ops and other social situations. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses ways we can help address a variety of surface-level concerns through the help of porcelain veneers.

Treatment for Surface-Level Issues

It goes without saying that tooth decay and gum infection are among the most common oral health threats out there, and as such, we must practice a thorough preventive routine to keep our smiles protected. Even still, it is important to note that while they may be the most common, they are far from the only factors we must worry about.

Indeed, issues that directly impact our oral health should always be a priority to focus on, but this does not mean other concerns that may be deemed not as important should be ignored. As a matter of fact, how you feel about your grin matters a lot, and this is why cosmetic dentistry is a necessary component of dental practice.

Cosmetic dentistry allows our team to provide conservative treatment that addresses issues that have developed on the surfaces of your teeth, and most treatments can be completed in about one to two visits. To learn more about this process, give our team a call today.

Addressing Multiple Needs

There are a few different options when it comes to seeking cosmetic treatment, and most target one specific area over another. For example, teeth whitening is excellent for stains, and bonding and contouring targets chips or cracks. But what does this mean for a smile full of blemishes? Fortunately, that is where porcelain veneers come in to help.

Porcelain veneers consist of ultra-thin shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. What’s more? Their uncanny resemblance to natural structures makes them virtually indistinguishable from the real thing! Contact our team today to learn more.

Enhancing Your Overall Appearance

Not only can porcelain veneers address a variety of cosmetic discrepancies, but the customizable shells can be shade-matched to the natural color of your grin. In other words, most people will not even be able to tell you sought treatment in the first place!

Schedule Your Appointment

To schedule your next appointment with our team or to learn more about the cosmetic benefits of veneers, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.