What Can You Do To Avoid Periodontal Disease?

Gum disease, periodontitis. Healthy white tooth. Vector stock illustrationStaying on top of your oral health is a lifelong commitment, one that requires more than just brushing your teeth daily. In fact, a healthy balance of preventive care at home, attending your 6-month examination and cleaning, and paying mind to the effects of some of the foods and beverages you consume are necessary to prevent a slew of concerns. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will specifically look at the effects of periodontal disease, and steps you can take to avoid it.

Prioritizing Your Health

As one of the most common oral health concerns out there, periodontal disease affects roughly 3 million Americans every year. This condition involves harmful bacteria making their way beneath the surface of the gums and attaching themselves to the roots of your teeth. Here, they capitalize on the added protection from your gums and continue to grow and develop into deposits of plaque and tartar. If this concern is not properly addressed in a timely manner, the bacteria will begin to cause significant damage to your smile. In fact, your teeth will not be the only structures threatened, but you may experience sensitive of bleeding gums, gums separating from your teeth, and ultimately tooth loss as the support diminishes and the structures begin to fall out. Indeed, periodontal disease is not a force to be reckoned with, however, many individuals often do not seek help in time because they are uncertain of the signs and symptoms.

Scaling and Root Planing

In the event you begin to experience symptoms of gum disease, our office can provide a periodontal cleaning to help you prevent more damage from occurring. Periodontal cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, involve carefully but thoroughly treating beneath the surface of your gums by removing harmful bacteria deposits such as plaque or tartar. From here, our team will smooth and polish the surface of your roots so as to prevent more bacteria from easily attaching themselves in the future. This process is often an extensive one, requiring more than one visit to complete, but is very effective in preventing future damage cause by periodontitis. For more information, contact our team today.

Why Flossing Matters

In addition to in-office treatment, your oral care and prevention of infection can be managed by actively flossing regularly. While brushing your teeth manages the bacteria that have attached to the surfaces, flossing addresses the bacteria that wedge themselves between structures. Food particles often get lodged between teeth, and when they do, bacteria are drawn toward the gums. This not only increases your chances of developing infection, but it contributes to bad breath as well, which is why we emphasize the importance of never forgetting to floss.

Speak to Our Team

For more information about the steps you can take, or to schedule your visit with our team, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.