3 Reasons To: Come In For Your Cleaning And Checkup!

reasoncloudsDo you find that when you have some very good reasons to do something, it’s much easier for you to follow through and actually accomplish said tasks? If so, we are happy to report that we can come up with reasons for you to schedule your dental cleaning and checkup all day long! However, to avoid going overboard, we will stick with just a few reasons it’s a very good idea to come on in for your preventive care visit twice a year.

#1: If Your Benefits Are Running Out

If you know that your dental insurance plan is going to include benefits that start over once 2017 shows up, it’s time to schedule your next dental cleaning and checkup. Get your prevention all tidied away, so you can smile a clean, healthy smile when you ring in the New Year.

#2: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Etc.

How are you doing so far now that the holidays are in full swing? Did you remember to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily? Did you avoid the sweets or at least remember to rinse and brush after you indulged? Don’t worry. A cleaning can remove anything you’ve missed and a checkup will let you know if you need a restoration before the winter holidays.

#3: It’s Been A While

One of the easiest ways to determine whether it’s about time to come in for your dental cleaning and checkup again is to ask yourself when your last visit with us was (for preventive care). If it’s been six months or longer, now is the time to come in, so you don’t miss out on important treatment.