A Comfortable Treatment For Sleep Apnea

conroe sleep apnea treatmentWithout treatment, sleep apnea could lead to trouble resting and even impact your immune system and heart health. However, few people enjoy the CPAP machine, the traditional solution to sleep apnea. Fortunately, your Conroe, TX, dentist can offer a comfortable alternative with a custom oral appliance.

The Causes and Symptoms of OSA

The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, which occurs when soft tissues in the throat and the rear of your mouth become too relaxed and collapse, cuffing off airflow. You stop breathing multiple times a night, the brain waking you each time after a few seconds. While you may not realize this happens, it can interrupt your sleep cycle hundreds of times, so you’re exhausted during the day and unable to focus on work or school. Symptoms also include chronic snoring, headaches, dry mouth, irritability, and waking up suddenly gasping for air or choking.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatment is crucial because without it, the issue can continue to erode your ability to feel alert and focus, while also straining your immune system, so more frequent illness is a possibility. The disorder also places stress on your cardiovascular system, the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke and heart attack will rise. Instead of the uncomfortable and loud CPAP machine, we can offer care with an oral appliance.

We first take detailed digital images of your smile, which we use in a dental lab setting to design and fabricate the finished appliance. The device will look and fit like a mouthguard, and is worn as you rest at night. The device actually shifts your jaw and tongue forward to keep airways open and free, so you rest without interruption. The appliance is also easy to clean and store.

Improving Your Sleep Routine

Along with oral appliance therapy, you can make changes to your bedtime routine to help you sleep easier. Be sure you maintain a regular sleep schedule, and keep your bedroom dark and cool. Avoid screens in the last 45 minutes before bed, and in the two hours before bed, avoid large meals, vigorous exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption. Resting on your side instead of your back is helpful too.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like sleep apnea, then contact our team today to learn more. You can rest with ease once again!

Your Conroe, TX, Dentist Offers Sleep Solutions

We want to make sure you can enjoy a good night’s again, and avoid the long-term complications of untreated OSA. For more information on scheduling a visit or about finding the best solution for your sleep concerns, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.