Act Fast During Your Dental Emergency

conroe dental emergencyWhen you sustain a dental emergency, this could mean discomfort, negative changes to your smile’s appearance, and of course, the risk of infection and tooth loss. But we can see you for emergency care, and you can take action to ease discomfort. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist discusses what to do during a dental emergency.

When to Contact Our Team

What constitutes a dental emergency? Essentially, this is any injury to the teeth that isn’t life threatening, but needs immediate attention. This could include cracked, chipped, or broken teeth, loose or knocked-out teeth, unexplained toothaches, or even objects caught between teeth that you cannot remove with floss alone. When these issues occur, please give us a call, even outside of normal business hours. We will call back and arrange a time to see you quickly, so we can address the issue before your smile becomes vulnerable to tooth decay and dental infection.

Responding to Your Dental Emergency

You can always take steps to ease your discomfort and prevent complications. First, rinse with water and take an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease discomfort. You can stem any bleeding with a bit of cloth or gauze, and a cold compress or ice pack to the side of the face can reduce swelling. If a tooth is chipped, see if you can recover any pieces and bring them with you. If a tooth is knocked out completely, then pick it up by the crown, not the root, and gently rinse it under water to remove dirt and debris, but take care to keep tissues in place. Put it in a sealed container of milk or salt water, and bring it with you to the office.

Preventing Future Injuries

We would love to help you reduce your risk of future injuries. If you play full contact sports or martial arts, then consider a custom mouthguard from our team. These provide a greater level of protection when compared to traditional boil-and-bite options. Keeping your teeth strong and free of tooth decay also limits injury, so be sure you brush and floss daily, and see us for regular checkups and cleanings. We want to help you enjoy a full and healthy smile, and we want to make sure you avoid the complications of an untreated dental emergency.

If you have any questions about our treatment options, or if you need to schedule a visit soon, then contact our team today to learn more.

Your Conroe, TX, Dentist Offers Emergency Dentistry

We don’t want your injury to lead to major discomfort with your smile or serious complications. For more information on how to respond to your dental emergency, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.