Answering Your Questions About Contouring

womanquestionmarkbrunetteDental contouring is a cosmetic treatment that can make a significant different to the appearance of your smile without requiring complex care. This is often a relief for patients whose daily calendars are typically jam-packed and for patients who feel anxious about the idea of lengthy dental services. While your initial understanding of contouring may be filled with excitement, you may feel like you need to learn a bit more beyond the obvious benefits. If you’re ready to smooth problem areas of your teeth or gently reduce tooth tissue for a prettier smile (but you’re not sure contouring is for you) then take a look at the following questions:

Questions and Answers: Dental Contouring

Question: Will you numb my teeth before contouring them?

Answer: No. Barring extenuating circumstances, we will not numb your teeth before dental contouring because it is typically completely unnecessary. Contouring is a gentle procedure that requires the use of a polishing tool that will simply buff away tiny amounts of your enamel.

Question: How often will I need to schedule visits to complete my cosmetic treatment?

Answer: In most cases, you will only need to schedule a single appointment to achieve your smile goals with dental contouring. Unlike other more complex treatments, such as porcelain veneers, contouring is extremely straightforward and effective during one visit.

Question: What if I want my teeth to look longer or to fix a chip?

Answer: If you’re looking to add tissue rather than take it away, you may be a better candidate for dental bonding than dental contouring. Fortunately, if you would like to accomplish both, we can provide you with both bonding and contouring services to improve your smile’s beauty.

Question: How does smoothing a single tooth improve my whole smile?

Answer: Whether we smooth a single tooth or several teeth, every single tooth contributes to the appearance of your entire smile. Imagine you have one tooth that is longer than the rest – this can make for a smile that looks slightly uneven. Or, perhaps two of your teeth look jagged or pointy, while the rest do not. Making tiny changes can yield widespread improvement.


The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Montgomery, Willis, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.