Bruxism Over The Holidays

holidaypicWhen the excitement and joy of the holidays are in full swing, the last thing you probably think about is your bruxism treatment and your tendency to grind or clench your teeth. While we certainly don’t want to take the happiness out of your wintertime bliss, we do want to remind you that keeping your smile in mind is very important. It’s all too easy to become distracted and suddenly realize you have gone a few weeks without caring for your smile. Take a few thoughts into consideration, so your smile remains comfortable through travel, parties, holiday stress, and more.

Take A “Time Out”

You might need a breather if holiday time tends to stress you out a bit. Whether it’s party planning, talking to overwhelming relatives, or even making it through your shopping list, added tension may lead to more grinding or clenching. Keep this from becoming an issue by giving yourself some time to breathe when you need it. Relax your face, your jaw, your lips, and think happy thoughts. Even a few minutes of decompressing can help a lot.

Schedule Something Relaxing

If you tend to go-go-go and you’ve been thinking about giving yourself a gift this holiday, why not give yourself the gift of relaxation? In addition to a quick “time out” for yourself, add some additional relaxation to your daily bruxism treatment. You may wish to consider a yoga class, a massage, or a day at the spa. Keep yourself relaxed, so your smile stays healthy.

Remember To Use Your Treatment

Above all else, remember to use your bruxism treatment as we have suggested. Bring it to your relatives’ house even if you’re staying just for the night. Pack it along if you’re traveling for the holidays. Keep it by your side and you’ll be happy you did.