Posts Categorized: Sleep Apnea

Sleeping Disorders Cause Health Complications

irritated frustrated man covering his ears with a pillow. he has terrible,scary dream. top view photo. affected sleep

It goes without saying that dental decay is arguably the most common oral threat there is, as oral bacteria wreak havoc on your natural teeth. While this may be true, decay is far from the only concern one has to worry about when it comes to their smile. Indeed, there are countless threats out there… Read more »

The Dangers Of A Sleep Disorder

For a number of individuals, dental decay is going to be the biggest hurdle to overcome when it comes to maintaining adequate oral health. Indeed, decay is one of the most common dental concerns present, affecting millions of people every year in various ways, including simple cavities to complex tooth loss. For others, however, this… Read more »

Combatting Your Sleep Apnea

Loud nighttime snoring for many is a common phenomenon that is not necessarily thought to be related to a significant impact on your oral health. In fact, many adults are diagnosed with chronic snoring every year and think nothing of it. What most don’t know, however, is that this condition can actually be the result… Read more »

Treating Your Sleep Apnea With Your Dentist

Sleep apnea is a disruptive condition that affects many adults. Sleep apnea causes you to wake up many times throughout the night, due to an obstruction in your breathing. This constant disruption to your sleep prevents you from getting a proper night’s rest, but the effects can extend far beyond that single instance. Individuals who… Read more »

How Sleep Apnea Can Become a Serious Concern

The quality and consistency of your sleep plays a significant role in your overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, you may not always realize when you have trouble sleeping soundly, especially if your sleep is disrupted by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder that can interrupt your sleeping pattern by forcing you to… Read more »

Symptoms that Might Point to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is the kind of condition that not everyone recognizes at first. For example, many people attribute the snoring that it causes to a simple snoring habit. Others might believe their daytime tiredness is just a normal case of being tired. However, these and other signs can often be a warning… Read more »

What Happens When You Have Sleep Apnea?

For some people, trouble sleeping isn’t something obvious. They may believe that they’re sleeping soundly throughout the night, despite not ever reaching the deep, restful sleep that their brains and bodies need to rest properly. This is often the case for people who suffer from sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that directly interrupts your sleep… Read more »

What Snoring and Daytime Tiredness Could Mean

The biggest problem with snoring is that many people who do it consistently don’t consider it a problem. Because of this, they fail to seek treatment for it, allowing it to continuously impact the quality of their breathing while they sleep. For some people, snoring can also be a problem because it indicates a more… Read more »

Getting Help for Your Chronic Snoring Habit

When you consider the kinds of things your dentist can help you address, you may not think your chronic snoring habit should be included in them. However, for many people who suffer from chronic snoring, a visit to the dentist could be the first step in finally finding a solution to stopping it. Today, we… Read more »

How Sleep Apnea Deprives You of Sleep

For people who experience obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, the existence of the sleep disorder isn’t always obvious. Typically, one of the earliest and most consistent signs of sleep apnea is the increasingly loud snoring that results from it. However, you might not realize that you snore every night, as it isn’t usually loud enough… Read more »