Dental Fillings: Things That Scare You (That Don’t Need To)

When you know that your tooth has a cavity, you know what that means as far as our dental care is concerned: We want you to come in for a dental filling and we want you to do it very soon! However, you might feel a little scared. When you’re concerned about the filling itself, you don’t need to worry or feel like you’re the only person who has doubts or hesitancies. Instead, you need to voice your feelings with us. It’s very common to feel uneasy about a treatment when you have questions that have been left unanswered. We’d love to get to some of those very frequent ones we hear about at our Conroe, TX practice right now. As for any remaining thoughts, please direct them to us by giving us a call, so you can feel good and then come in to take care of that tooth!

You Hear That Tooth-Colored Fillings Don’t Last

You might hear rumors that tooth-colored dental fillings don’t last. This isn’t true anymore. Why do we say “anymore” you wonder? Well, because in the very early days as this type of restoration was being created, they didn’t last very long. However, modern white fillings are now composed of very strong, lasting composite that will remain in place for many years.

You Worry About What Might Happen If A Filling Falls Out

You might find yourself wondering what happens to you if your dental filling falls out. While this isn’t likely (and is less likely if you care for teeth and make wise food selections), it’s possible. All you need to do is call us. Any time! We offer emergency care. We’ll clean the area, replace the filling, and you’ll be just fine.

You Worry That You’re Making Things Worse For Your Tooth

You might hear someone mention that when you receive a filling, you’re losing more of your tooth tissue that we remove before we fill the opening. This scares you a little because you want to save your tooth and protect the remaining tissue, not lose more tissue. Here’s what we’d like you to remember: This is why we provide tooth-colored dental fillings. Unlike metal, they require the removal of significantly less tissue. This means that this type of restoration helps to preserve as much of your tissue as possible. Remember, though, we must remove the decayed tissue or else you’ll end up losing the entire tooth!

Choose A Filling When Decay Affects Your Tooth

When tooth decay is present, remember that what you need is a dental filling! So, come in soon to repair your tooth and you’ll be back in good shape. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.