Total Smile Rejuvenation With Veneers

dental veneers with holderIt goes without saying that many individuals place a great emphasis on their smile’s appearance. After all, it is one of the first physical attributes a person notices about another, and it can communicate a lot about your overall levels of confidence and happiness. Sometimes, however, noticeable blemishes can develop and tarnish your smile’s appearance. Indeed, the only thing worse than receiving a surface-level crack or chip is enduring multiple smile blemishes, all of varying degrees and complexities. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explores the benefits of porcelain veneers and explains what to expect from treatment.

When Presented with Various Blemishes

The only thing worse than encountering a noticeable blemish in your otherwise perfect smile is enduring several. What’s more? These blemishes are often not the same in nature, and may represent an array of chips, cracks, stains, and gaps. This can make obtaining corrective treatment more of a chore than it needs to be, as multiple concerns may cause patients to feel nervous about cost, level of care, and time. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry is designed to address this precise concern in an affordable and straight-forward manner.

You see, cosmetic dentistry is the process of correcting noticeable blemishes in the smile through non-invasive and highly realistic treatment. While your oral health is always going to be of the utmost importance, this does not mean that your smile’s appearance should have to take a permanent seat on the back burner.

Indeed, many people place a heavy emphasis on their grin’s appearance, and a bright, jubilant, ad flawless smile communicates a number of positive characteristics. To learn more about this process and what your options may be, give our team a call today.

Utilizing Lifelike Dental Porcelain

When presented with various surface-level concerns, no treatment method is more effective than porcelain veneers. You see, our team utilizes ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain for their uncanny resemblance to the natural texture of teeth. What’s more? We can match the shade of the veneer to that of your smile’s natural hue. This means that, regardless of how many or how few veneers you require, your smile will appear consistent throughout. Contact our office today to learn more about this process.

Non-invasive and Simple Treatment

In addition to lifelike solutions, your dental veneer visit is relatively simple and non-invasive in nature. In fact, it only requires a minimal amount of enamel sculpting to bond the shells to the front of your teeth. Further, the entire process can be completed in as few as two visits: one to obtain your tooth measurements and a second to place them!

Schedule Your Appointment

To learn more about the benefits of non-invasive cosmetic treatment, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to speak to a member of our team and schedule your next visit today.