What To Do In A Dental Emergency

Close-up view on white conceptual keyboard - Toothache (blue key)While taking care of your smile might appear to be a straightforward process, there’s actually much more to it than you might expect. For instance, simply taking the time to brush your teeth twice a day every day is an excellent start, however, you need a combination of flossing, attending routine checkups, and paying mind to what you eat to pave the way for a lifelong smile. What this process fails to consider, however, is that emergency situations can arise at any time and affect anyone of any age. In today’s blog your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at emergency dental situations, and what you can do to ensure the best chances of successful treatment.

Keep Calm and Act Efficiently

Have you ever been minding your business taking a stroll through the neighborhood, then all of a sudden, an uneven surface causes you to trip and fall flat on your face? Situations such as these and many others are reflective of what can happen at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, the same can be said for a dental emergency.

While we cannot anticipate what is going to happen, we can take steps to better prioritize our health. For instance, our biggest piece of advice in a dental emergency is to remain calm and act efficiently. This may seem counterintuitive, however, acting emotionally and in the moment can cause more problems than it can help.

When faced with an injury, you will want to take care to call our office and schedule your emergency appointment. Our team will work diligently to get you in and treat your problem. If a friend or relative is nearby, contact them to help you through this process. For more information about what to do in an emergency and how to stay calm, reach out to our team today.

Locate Dislodged Structures

Another factor you want to keep in mind is if any of your teeth become dislodged or broken. Take care to search the area around you and locate any missing structures if you find them. If you find any, take care to preserve them in an airtight container and bring them with you to your dental appointment. If an entire structure has become dislodged, be cautious to preserve any tissues that are still attached to the roots and rinse the structure under running water.

Time is Not on Your Side

Depending on your situation, our team may be able to help restore your smile and address any breaks or cracks that you might’ve endured. To learn more about this process, reach out to our team today.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team, and learn more about the importance of handling your dental emergency.