What To Expect From Dental Whitening

Smiling woman mouth with great teeth. Over white backgroundIt goes without saying that your smile endures a significant number of factors over the course of your life. Indeed, common concerns such as tooth decay and gum disease are met with a myriad of less common issues such as sleep apnea and teeth grinding, and unfortunately, there is not much help in terms of natural defenses. Though you may be taking the steps necessary to keep your structures safe, sometimes surface-level stains persist. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explains how you can benefit from a teeth-whitening treatment and how you can schedule your next appointment today.

Why Cosmetic Treatment?

The last thing that someone wants to endure is the loss of one or more permanent structures, but that does not mean that minor issues with noticeable effects are preferred either. Indeed, stains and other surface-level concerns are a natural part of the smile aging process, and stains can arise from a variety of sources. For example, the foods and beverages you consume regularly have an influence over stains, and items with staining pigments such as coffee, tea, and berries contribute significantly.

Another source of stain development may come from personal habits and practices. For instance, using tobacco products or consuming alcohol regularly can wear down your teeth and cause them to take on a dull yellow or brown hue.

Finally, age in and of itself has a hand in a dulling smile. With all of this in mind, it is no wonder most adults can benefit from cosmetic dental treatment, and we have just the thing to help. To learn more about cosmetic blemishes and how we can help, give our team a call today.

Benefits of In-Office Care

When it comes to combatting noticeable stains, there is no treatment better suited than in-office teeth whitening. Indeed, this process consists of applying a strong yet safe bleaching agent to the surfaces of your teeth. From here, we will utilize a special light to activate the gel, allowing it to foam and get to work breaking apart stains.

In-office teeth whitening is a simple, non-invasive process that only requires one visit to complete. What’s more? You will begin to notice a difference of up to several shades in no time. Contact our office today to schedule your next visit.

Convenience at Home

In addition to in-office benefits, our team can offer you the convenience of treatment from the comfort of your own home! We can provide custom take-home trays so that you can brighten your grin when it is most convenient for you

Schedule Your Appointment

To learn more about the benefits of cosmetic teeth whitening, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600, and schedule your next appointment with a member of our staff today.