Your Diet Affects Oral Health

healthy dietBrushing and flossing your teeth every day is essential for having stellar oral health. Visiting the dentist every six months for a check-up is equally important. These both fall into the realm of preventative dentistry, and their goal is to prevent oral health problems from developing in the first place. Maintaining a healthy diet is also a great tool for keeping your body in peak condition and mouth free from harmful bacteria. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses how your diet impacts your oral health.

Understanding The Sugar And Tooth Decay

As you have been told throughout your life, consuming sugar can lead to cavities. Since we were children, we’ve known this, attempting to polish off the whole bag of sour worms at the movie theater or exercising zero impulse control on Halloween. Although your parents likely told you that sugar causes cavities, you probably don’t know why. When you eat sugar, the bacteria in your mouth gravitate towards it and consume it. They then create acid as a byproduct, which causes tooth decay. The acid wears down your enamel, causing it to weaken, leading to cavities. You will require dental fillings to repair the damaged tooth when this occurs.

Eating Right Can Make A Big Difference

Believe it or not, even healthy foods can contain sugar. Fruit, for example, is sugary and acidic, and while it is great for your overall health, it can harm your teeth. This isn’t to say you should consume it, but rather, you should be strategic when you do. Eating fruit at mealtimes and with other foods helps, as the other items can essentially wash the sugar and acid off your teeth. Moreover, when you eat more food, you produce more saliva, which helps clean off your teeth. Try to avoid eating fruit or other sugary items as snacks, as you won’t create as much saliva to wash bacteria from your teeth.

As you know, eating balanced meals is beneficial for your overall health, but it is also great for your oral health. Rougher vegetables like celery can remove bacterial build-up, so be sure to work those into your meals. Veggies also make great snacks because they do not contain harmful sugar and acids. It is also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day because, like saliva, it helps clean your teeth and the spaces between them. If you do happen to eat something sweet, it is advisable to brush your teeth afterward. Similarly, you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once; both can help you maintain fantastic oral health for many years.

Contact Us To Learn More About Good Oral Health Habits  

If you have any questions about keeping a healthy mouth and healthy body overall, please contact us today. Schedule an appointment with The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, by calling 936-441-4600