Quiz: Avoiding Coffee Teeth

coffeewoodsteamDo you know the ins and outs of enjoying coffee without ending up with teeth that look or feel as though you’ve been gulping down pots of java for the majority of your life? If not, you might find yourself with a smile that looks dim or yellowed. You may also discover that your habit is slowly eating away your enamel, which can lead to problems like pain, sensitivity, decay, and more! Let’s see if you’re a pro at getting your coffee fix without putting your dental health in extreme danger (or if you still need to learn the ways of mindful coffee drinking).

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you want your smile to remain healthy but you love coffee, you should try to drink your coffee over the course of your day, so you don’t blast your teeth with acid.
  2. True or False: If you drink coffee on a daily basis and you want to protect your dental health, it is important to brush immediately after you finish your drink.
  3. True or False: If you don’t add any sugar to your coffee, it’s perfectly safe for your smile. It’s just the added sweeteners that can lead to problems for your oral health.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. It’s actually better to drink your coffee all at once (or at least not over the course of several hours). Think of it as the difference between quickly coating your smile in an acidic liquid in comparison with bathing it in acid!
  2. False. Your teeth are most vulnerable to damage right after they have been exposed to acid or sugar. As a result, it’s best to wash them off by swishing water over them. Give them some time (about 30 minutes). You may then brush without concern.
  3. False. Adding sugar can certainly make matters less safe for your dental health. However, coffee is still highly acidic on its own, so you should take precautions to protect your teeth.