Smile Care: Start New Holiday Traditions!

Of course, if you are perfectly happy with your holiday traditions, you are well in your right to keep them exactly as they are. However, we think you might not have many oral health related ones, which we would be very happy to help you create! If you’re thinking to yourself, “As a matter of fact, we don’t have any dental traditions,” then listen closely: They can be fun and easy and they can help you keep up a healthy smile. Let’s make our way through some ideas!

New Brushes For Everyone!

Just like you might buy new pajamas for everyone for Christmas Eve or morning, it might be time to add a new tradition into the mix that helps you maintain a healthy smile: Get new toothbrushes for everyone! That way, you know the whole family is using a brush that’s effective, everyone can eat candy and desserts and rest easy that their brushing is working, and it’s just fun all around. Take it one step further and get red, green, gold, or silver ones as a nod to the holiday celebration!

Make Smile Plans

Decide to make some smile plans together this year and every year. Maybe you talk with your family about some good resolutions you can make together for your collective oral health. Maybe you talk over some bad habits you want to give up. Maybe you even check on everyone’s schedules and quickly plan out the best time to schedule dental visits for everyone. Whatever the case, when you plan for the coming year, you can be sure you’re completely on target for a healthy smile for yourself and the rest of your family members.

Protect Your Smile Over The Holidays

See us when you’re free from the holiday excitement, so we may clean and care for your teeth and gums. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.