When Minor Cracks Can Be Mended With Cosmetic Bonding

Male broken teeth damaged cracked front tooth need dentist to fix and repair.When it comes to maintaining your oral health, a number of factors must be taken into consideration. From what you eat and drink to how frequently you floss at home and everything in-between, a number of items can contribute to items as large as tooth loss and gum disease or as small as minor chips and cracks. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will look at the circumstances in which you experience minor damage, and how these cosmetic concerns can be easily addressed with the process of bonding and contouring.

When You Don’t Need Excessive Treatment

For a number of individuals, the biggest dental concern consists of significant decay caused by the buildup of harmful bacteria. Indeed, decay is a concern that affects many children and adults alike, often presenting itself in the form of a cavity that can be treated with a simple filling procedure. If you keep up with excellent preventive care at home coupled with attending regular office visits for your checkup, you should be in good shape.

One factor that often cannot always be accounted for, however, are accidents. Indeed, they can occur any time anywhere, and range from dislodging an entire tooth to obtaining a minor chip that does not actually cause functional difficulty. While the former example would require restorative treatment to help repair the structure itself as well as restore its function, the latter concern is much simpler to address. In fact, a number of minor chips and scratches can be taken care of with a process known as bonding and contouring.

A Conservative Approach

When you come in for your cosmetic dental visit, your dentist will first carefully examine your smile to properly assess the situation. From there, we will apply a dental composite resin material to seal the crack in a tooth or apply it where a chip has formed in a process known as dental bonding. We will then contour, or shape the material so as to fill any gaps or open areas to prevent harmful bacteria from entering, paying close attention to mimic the natural appearance of your teeth such as the texture and shape. Finally, your process is complete by hardening the material after it has been shaped to satisfaction, and you are all set on your way! For more information, contact our team today.

Tooth-Colored Material

One of the biggest benefits of cosmetic dentistry is the versatility it affords in creating a lifelike result. In the case of bonding and contouring, this means that the material used to fill the cracks can be shade-matched to the exact shade of your smile, providing a near-seamless result.

Find Out More

To learn more about your cosmetic dental options or to schedule your visit with our team today, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600.