Posts Categorized: Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns Versus Dental Fillings

For most individuals, cavities will eventually play a role in their oral health. While keeping up with a preventive dentistry routine can help deter the forces of tooth decay, it’s not always possible to keep harmful bacteria from causing problems for your teeth. If a cavity forms on one of your teeth, you’ll want to… Read more »

When You Need to Restore a Tooth

For the most part, maintaining your healthy, natural smile can often be as simple as sticking to good dental hygiene and preventive dental care routines. When you successfully prevent common concerns from developing, you can also avoid the need for more extensive dental treatment later. However, there may still be times when maintaining your healthy… Read more »

Extracting and Replacing a Tooth to Save Your Smile

Common tooth concerns, like tooth decay or fractures and breaks, are easily treatable with the right restorative dental treatment. For instance, a custom tooth filling or dental crown can help your tooth regain its structural integrity and restore its ability to function properly after its structure has been damaged. However, there may be some situations… Read more »

Why Treating Severe Tooth Decay Matters

There are many reasons to treat tooth decay as soon as it develops. With prompt treatment, it can often be stopped while it’s still relatively minor, and treatment may consist of simply cleaning and filling the cavity that has formed. As a progressive concern, the damage that tooth decay causes to your natural tooth structure… Read more »

How Your Smile Can Recover After Tooth Loss

Recovering from most common oral health concerns often means treating a tooth with a custom restoration in order to preserve its remaining healthy, natural structure. The ultimate goal is usually to help you prevent losing the tooth and improve its chances of avoiding any more trouble in the future. However, recovering from the loss of… Read more »

4 Things to Consider Before You Get a Dental Crown

For many people who experience problems with one of their teeth, such as a fracture or break in its structure, a custom-designed dental crown is the ideal option for restoring it. Dental crowns are designed to mimic healthy, natural tooth crowns, down to the specific size, shape, contour, and dimensions of the tooth’s crown. Placing… Read more »

How to Know that You Might Need a Tooth Filling

Once you know that you have a cavity, the symptoms of it can seem obvious, and can the need to treat your tooth as soon as possible. However, until you know you have one, the development of a cavity might not always be immediately obvious. Fortunately, you can spot it faster and more effectively if… Read more »

Why Fillings Are Often the Best Choice for a Cavity

Some dental treatments are better at addressing certain concerns than others. For example, if your tooth has a substantial fracture or break in it, then a custom dental crown might be the optimal solution for repairing and restoring the tooth. In the case of a cavity, which is a more common condition than extensive tooth… Read more »

When to Consider Extracting a Tooth

When you’re considering dental health treatment, the biggest consideration is what your smile’s concern is, specifically. Depending on the nature and extent of the problem, you may not have as many choices for successfully restoring your smile as you expected. For example, in certain severe oral health concerns, extracting a tooth that’s become a liability… Read more »

3 Times When a Dental Crown Serves Your Smile Best

Dental crowns are among the most well-known types of restorative dental treatment. This is due both to the fact that dental crowns have been around for a long time, and because they often serve several different functions, depending on your smile’s specific needs. Today’s dental crowns, which are designed using advanced imaging technology and often… Read more »