The Real Reasons Behind Losing Teeth

For many different oral health concerns, tooth loss is the worst-case scenario that you should try to avoid by treating the concern early. When tooth loss does occur, however, it isn’t always something that you see coming, even if it is the result of an existing oral health issue. Today, we examine some of the reasons why people may lose teeth, and why knowing these reasons can help you improve your chances of preventing tooth loss if they occur. (more…)

Considering Your Need for Tooth Extraction Carefully

Extracting troublesome teeth used to be a more commonly recommended practice. However, as dental care has advanced over the centuries, it’s become much more convenient and affordable for people to restore teeth that are compromised and avoid losing their natural teeth. Yet, in some severe cases, there are still circumstances that can make extracting a tooth preferable over trying to save it. Typically, those circumstances are so severe that saving the tooth isn’t even possible, and it’s important to consider extracting and replacing the tooth as soon as possible. (more…)

Saving a Tooth with an Infected Root Canal

In essence, the point of most restorative dental treatments is to save your healthy, natural teeth. Conditions that often require restorative treatment, such as damage to your tooth structure or the formation of tooth decay, can become increasingly worse over time, leading to the loss of more tooth structure or, in severe cases, the entire tooth. In the case of tooth decay, the path to becoming severe is often more progressive, and by the time it reaches the inner root canal of the tooth, it could be a serious enough condition that prompt treatment is necessary to save it. (more…)

Have Dentures Changed Over the Years?

Many modern dental treatments have advanced so significantly over the years that they’re largely different from their predecessors. For example, tooth fillings today are often made from materials that blend in with your teeth and bond to them better than the metal fillings of previous years. However, some treatment options are so effective that they’ve remained largely the same in principle, such as dentures that are designed to replace lost teeth and help people rebuild their smiles. Today, however, modern dentures can be created with more lifelike results, both in their appearance and their function. (more…)

A Few Important Notes About Modern Dental Bridges

For patients who’ve experienced tooth loss, the most important step in addressing it is choosing the right restoration to replace their lost tooth or teeth. For people who’ve lost a single tooth, or multiple teeth that are adjacent to each other, a custom-designed dental bridge is often the preferable solution for addressing it. Dental bridges are designed to close the gap in your smile after you’ve experienced tooth loss, and with more modern materials and techniques, today’s dental bridges can offer better results for restoring your smile than ever before. (more…)

What the Right Dental Crown Can Do for You

There are many different reasons why dental crowns have been around for so long, and why they’ve helped so many different people save their smiles from different levels of tooth damage. One of these reasons is the highly effective design and purpose of a dental crown. Made to completely cap your tooth’s structure, a dental crown can successfully address a wide range of issues with your tooth, repairing structural damage or restoring its healthy size, shape, and appearance. Today, we examine a few specific things that the right dental crown can do to restore or replace your natural tooth structure. (more…)

How Does a Filling Restore a Tooth?

The bad thing about cavities is that, despite being highly preventable, they can also develop much easier and faster than you might realize. This is partly what makes tooth decay (the cause behind cavities) the most common chronic concern for people’s smile. However, the good news is that cavities progress, meaning they’re still relatively minor when they first develop. With the help of a conservative, biocompatible tooth filling, you may be able to restore the cavity-stricken tooth comfortably and with highly satisfactory results. (more…)

Why Fixing a Cracked Tooth Quickly Is Important

If your tooth becomes cracked or fractured, then it may obvious that fixing it is important. It won’t get better or heal over time, and under most circumstances, the discomfort and damage will continue to grow worse. However, it can take time before you begin to notice the signs of more severe tooth damage, and by then, restoring your tooth could be a more extensive process. If your tooth becomes cracked or suffers another form of structural damage, then fixing it quickly is important to stemming the damage to your tooth. (more…)

What Will It Take to Restore Your Smile?

The good thing about keeping your smile healthy is that, if it already is, then preventing things that could affect it doesn’t usually take a whole lot of extra effort. Sticking to a good dental hygiene routine and visiting your dentist regularly for preventive checkups and cleanings can go a long way in helping you avoid dental problems. However, when dental problems do occur, keeping your smile healthy and your bite fully functional requires addressing the issue as soon as possible. The sooner you address a dental health concern, the less effort it will take to fully restore your smile to its full health and integrity. (more…)

How Sleep Apnea Deprives You of Sleep

For people who experience obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, the existence of the sleep disorder isn’t always obvious. Typically, one of the earliest and most consistent signs of sleep apnea is the increasingly loud snoring that results from it. However, you might not realize that you snore every night, as it isn’t usually loud enough to wake you up fully. Despite this, sleep apnea can constantly interrupt your sleep and breathing cycles, making it almost impossible to reach deep R.E.M. levels of sleep so your brain and body can rest. Today, we look closer at how sleep apnea deprives you of deep sleep, and why it can become such a concern to your overall wellbeing. (more…)