What Can Happen When Dental Hygiene Isn’t Good Enough?

Good dental hygiene is the one of the most important aspects of keeping your smile healthy for life, but it can be easy to lose sight of that importance when you practice the same routine day after day. If you start to slack in this routine, however, then the results can be more harmful to your oral health than you expected, and restoring your good oral health could require more direct dental treatment. Today, we explain a few things that can happen when your dental hygiene routine isn’t good enough, and why it’s important to remember how essential it is to keep your smile consistently clean. (more…)

Could Your Smile Use Some Improvement?

The type of dental treatment you need at any given time depends on the specific and unique state of your oral health. If your teeth, gums, and smile need no improvement or restoration, then your dental health needs may be limited to routine dental checkups and cleanings every six months. However, if something blemishes your smile’s appearance or affects the health and integrity of your teeth, then improving your smile and oral health can require more than just cleaning and examining your teeth. Today, we examine a few ways we can help improve your smile with the right customized treatment, and how we strive to keep your smile improvement as minimally invasive as possible. (more…)

Should You Treat a Toothache Like a Dental Emergency?

When your tooth starts to feel a little sensitive, it probably doesn’t seem serious enough to be considered an emergency. In fact, the discomfort may not be that significant at all, making it easy to ignore for the time being. However, for most toothaches, time only allows the discomfort in your tooth to grow worse, and the problem causing it can grow more severe in the meantime. Today, we examine why you should treat your toothache like a dental emergency and seek professional treatment for it as soon as possible. (more…)

Are Dental Implants Right for Your Smile?

Dental implants have become increasingly more popular over the last several decades as the most comprehensive and lifelike way to replace one or more lost teeth. Unlike conventional dental bridges and dentures, dental implant restorations are designed to more closely replicate your healthy, natural tooth structure. This includes the root that supports a natural tooth, which a dental implant replaces with a small, biocompatible titanium post. Today, we explore why dental implants may be best for your smile, and how increasingly more people are benefiting from their immediate and long-term advantages. (more…)

When Would Your Dentist Suggest Tooth Extraction?

The good news about personalized dental treatment is that it ensures you receive the most appropriate care for any oral health concern. Generally, this means you have a better chance of preserving your healthy, natural tooth structure whenever it’s compromised by structural damage, decay, or more. However, it also means that, if necessary, your dentist can more precisely diagnose when a tooth is so compromised that it can’t be saved. If your dentist suggests extracting the tooth, then it’s important to take the suggestion seriously. (more…)

What’s the Best Way to Deal with Your Tooth Loss?

Dealing with tooth loss can sometimes seem more complicated than dealing with other, more common oral health issues. That’s because restoring your smile means completely replacing the lost tooth rather than just restoring a damaged or compromised part of your tooth’s structure. In addition, you’ll also have to resolve the underlying problem that led to you losing a tooth in order to avoid increased risks of losing more. Today, we examine the best way to deal with your tooth loss, and why it’s important to seek treatment for it as soon as possible. (more…)

Some of the Best Reasons to Put a Crown on a Tooth

The goal of professional dental treatment has always been to help you preserve as much of your healthy smile as possible, particularly your healthy, natural tooth structure. This means not only restoring a tooth when it’s damaged or compromised, but doing so in a way that optimizes your chances of preserving the tooth’s future health and integrity. For many patients, the problem with their tooth is significant enough that fixing the tooth is best accomplished by completely capping its structure with a custom dental crown. (more…)

What’s the Worst-Case Scenario for Your Tooth Decay?

One of the most important reasons why consistent dental care is important is to prevent dental health concerns like tooth decay from forming. Another important reason is staying ahead of such a problem if it does occur so you can address it early and prevent it from getting worse. This is important for many reasons, including helping you avoid the need for more extensive dental treatment. For example, in the worst-case scenario for tooth decay, the consequences can be much more significant than you might expect. (more…)

What Waking Up from Sleep Apnea Can Be Like

Sleep apnea is a disorder that can have a dramatic impact on the quality of your sleep. Yet, many people who have it don’t k now it, and the symptoms that it causes can sometimes seem random and without cause. However, having sleep apnea means that your quality of sleep is seriously diminished every night. Before long, that can have a noticeable impact on your daily life, as well, and you may notice a few signs of your lack of sleep throughout the day. (more…)

Can Chronic Jaw Pain Mean Something Serious?

Serious Chronic Jaw PainIn most cases, any form of dental discomfort can indicate a potentially serious problem with your oral health. If it’s a toothache, then you may immediately realize that your tooth is in trouble and needs attention from your dentist or oral health specialist. However, for symptoms like chronic jaw pain, the specific source of the discomfort and the likely cause behind it aren’t always so clear. As a common sign of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, chronic jaw pain can sometimes mean more than it seems, and addressing it could be a key to preserving your smile and healthy bite function. (more…)