Bruxism: Are You Making Things So Much Worse?

How are you doing with your bruxism disorder? Would you say that you’re right on track, you’re considering each and every detail, and you couldn’t be doing better if you tried? Or, would you say that though you’re trying not to do anything that could make your bruxism worse, you couldn’t say for sure that your actions are all on the up and up? If it’s the latter, allow us to help you out with easy reminders!


Bleeding Gums: Things You Really Need To Consider

No matter the time of day, the reason, or how you feel about your smile, it’s always alarming to see bleeding gums. What’s more alarming is when you allow yourself to start making tons of assumptions about what’s going on. We think there are some things you really need to consider about this symptom so that you can remain calm, cool, and collected (while protecting your smile).


Wisdom Teeth Removal Before Fall

What’s just down the road in the autumn, though we’d like to pretend that summer is going to last for a very, very long time? If the answer is that your son or daughter is beginning that very exciting journey into college (or, perhaps your child has already begun and is home with you for break), then we have one very serious suggestion! If you haven’t done it already, now might be an exceptionally good time to let us know your child is ready for wisdom teeth removal.


Toothpaste: Is It Fact Or Is It Fiction?

You’re no fool! You know that just because a package or advertisement makes some kind of promise to you, it doesn’t mean it’s real! While this can be helpful for you and may assist you in not becoming duped, it can also feel limiting. Especially in the dental hygiene aisle! You see toothpaste that says it can help with sensitivity. You see some that claims it will reverse your gingivitis. What’s true and what isn’t, you’d like to know? Let’s cover frequent areas of concern for quick answers (for everything else, ask us soon!).


Your Dental Sensitivity: What To Do Until Your Visit

If you’re noticing serious dental sensitivity, then the number one thing you should follow through on immediately is as follows: Call our practice, set up a visit to see our friendly faces, and allow us to examine your oral structures to get to the bottom of your discomfort. Of course, this will provide you with some relief in knowing you’ll have answers very soon. However, until you actually see us, you may wonder: What can you do in the meantime for immediate relief? Try some easy tips.


CAD/CAM Dentistry: A Few Interesting Q’s And A’s

Have you been hearing about CAD/CAM dentistry and though it sounds advanced and exciting, you have to admit that you don’t really have any idea what it’s all about? However, you appreciate being informed, so you feel connected to your dental care options? Well, then! A few interesting questions and answers will help to illuminate some important highlights regarding how our advanced tech may be of assistance to your smile.


Get Ready: It’s Flick-n Float 2018!

Now that we’re headed into summer, the first thing on your mind just might be a nice, tall, refreshing root beer if you’ve been a fan of Flick-n Floats in the past! Good news: You can still expect the same, good old-fashioned fun in 2018 that you look forward to on an annual basis!


Bad Breath: Need A Quick Fix Or Professional Help?

There’s not just one type of bad breath if you want to get detailed about it (and you’re going to want to if you are ready for your smelly mouth to return to its previous existence as a pleasant smelling mouth). Here’s what you need to remember: There’s breath that you can easily improve with a quick fix because the issue is very basic to address. Then, there’s the unfortunate breath that needs professional help because the quick fixes are absolutely not going to cut it. Which is which and how to know, you wonder? Let’s ensure you have these details all squared away!
