A Few Notes About Chronic Bruxism

Under normal conditions, your teeth rely on each other for support, and to help promote healthy, proper bite function. However, bruxism (or chronic teeth-grinding) can turn your teeth against each other, literally. When you constantly grind your teeth together, the immense amount of pressure and friction that your bite generates can cause significant harm. Today, we examine when teeth-grinding becomes a bruxism problem, the dangers it can pose to your oral health if you ignore it, and what steps you can take to protect your teeth from it. (more…)

A Refresher Course on Good Dental Hygiene

After years of doing it every day, the routine that goes into brushing and flossing your teeth can seem like second-nature. However, despite most people sticking to the dental hygiene practices that they learned early in life, issues like tooth decay and gum disease – which largely stem from inadequate dental hygiene – are still common. Today, we examine why, and give you a refresher course on what it means to practice truly “good” (and effective) dental hygiene. (more…)

How Safe Is Your Smile from Gingivitis?

When it comes to keeping your smile healthy and free of oral health concerns, the most common concerns to come to mind are often cavities and gingivitis. While cavities (which are the result of tooth decay) may be the more concern, the problems that can arise when gingivitis is allowed to progress can sometimes have more profound consequences. Gingivitis marks the beginning of gum disease, which in its severe form (known as periodontitis), is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Today, we help you take stock of these risks by helping you determine how safe your smile is from gum disease. (more…)

Does Brushing Make Your Teeth Sensitive?

The point of brushing your teeth every day is supposed to keep them strong and healthy. By consistently cleaning away the plaque that builds up on their surfaces every day, you can largely prevent many of the things that can develop from harmful oral bacteria, such as tooth decay. However, the way you brush your teeth is just as important as how often you do it, and for some people, their zealousness for dental hygiene can sometimes cause more harm than good. Today, we examine how your teeth brushing technique might be what’s making your teeth sensitive, and how you can correct the issue before you cause any more damage to your teeth. (more…)

A Few Ways to Relieve Your Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common forms of discomfort, and it can mean a lot of different things for everyone. The good news, though, is that many people can often find relief from tooth sensitivity by taking better care of their teeth and oral health at home, before it becomes serious enough to require professional attention and treatment. Today, we examine a few steps you can take to improve the strength and integrity of your teeth, and resolve one of the most common causes of sensitive teeth. (more…)

How Well Do You Take Care of Your Teeth?

The main purpose of a good hygiene routine is to take care of your teeth. By cleaning them consistently, you help protect them from the harm that oral bacteria and food particles could do. However, your teeth can be threatened by more than just oral bacteria, and taking good care of your teeth means more than just keeping them clean. Today, we take a look at what it means to properly care for your teeth, and the different factors that can influence your success at it. (more…)

5 Reasons Your Gums Bleed

If you have ever wondered why your gums might bleed when you floss or brush your teeth, you are not alone. It happens to many people at different times in their lives, but that doesn’t necessarily make it normal. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will explain five main reasons that could be causing your gums to bleed.



What To Do If You Lose A Tooth

For children, losing a tooth is just a part of growing up, and is nothing to be concerned about as it means their adult, permanent teeth are coming in. Unfortunately, if you lose a tooth as an adult, another tooth will not grow to take its place, and you are experiencing a dental emergency. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will share the ways in which we are able to replace a missing tooth when you have a dental emergency.


Why Fix A Chipped Tooth?

A chipped or cracked tooth may not always seem like an emergency situation, especially if it is minor, and there may be cases when it isn’t. However, any exposure of the softer layers of your teeth underneath the enamel leaves you much more susceptible to cavities and tooth sensitivity. So, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the reasons that you should fix your chipped or cracked tooth.


Why A Toothache Can Be Serious

When your tooth begins to hurt or you experience sensitivity, you may be tempted to ignore it and see if it goes away. Unfortunately, there is usually a serious reason causing your tooth pain that could easily get worse if left untreated. So, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the causes of toothaches and the importance of visiting the Dental Centre of Conroe when you experience dental pain.
