Are There Any Good Ways to Prevent Tooth Loss?

Ideally, taking good care of your smile by cleaning your teeth and gums consistently can help you prevent most of the issues that could potentially lead to tooth loss. However, many people still have to deal with tooth loss, and often, it’s for a reason that could have possibly been prevented (such as gum disease). The silver lining in that fact is that most cases of tooth loss can be prevented, and with the right level of care and maintenance at home, you can improve your chances of successfully avoiding it. (more…)

What to Keep in Mind When You Need Tooth Extraction

In many ways, losing a tooth is almost always a bad thing for your smile and oral health. However, when tooth extraction becomes necessary, removing the tooth could be the best thing for your long-term oral health. While there are many potential reasons for needing to extract a tooth, it’s important to remember that your dentist only recommends it in when absolutely necessary. Fortunately, despite losing the tooth, there are several reasons why its extraction can be a good thing for your smile. (more…)

What Does Root Canal Treatment Do for Your Tooth?

Much like the state of your tooth infection, treatment for tooth decay scales up as the condition grows more serious. What might only be a cavity at one point can quickly become a much more severe form of tooth infection, affecting the tissues inside of the tooth’s inner chamber and root canal. When this occurs, the increased discomfort in the tooth can be a warning sign that it’s in serious danger. If so, then root canal treatment might be the best solution for saving the tooth, if you seek treatment for it soon enough. (more…)

Lesser-Known Impacts of Tooth Loss

Dealing with tooth loss can seem straight-forward at times. As long as your replacement tooth or teeth are designed to closely mimic your healthy, natural ones, the restoration might seem to effectively and completely deal with your tooth loss. Or, you might not consider dealing with the loss that important. However, some of the lesser-known impacts of tooth loss can become increasingly more apparent the longer you wait to deal with it, and many of those impacts can only be addressed by replacing the roots of your lost teeth, as well. (more…)

When a Toothache Could Be a Dental Emergency

A toothache can mean a lot of things, and though the discomfort won’t often go away for good on its own, it isn’t always severe enough to be considered a dental emergency. However, that doesn’t mean you should automatically try to tough out your toothache until it becomes unbearable. If it’s caused by significant damage to its structure, or the progression of internal tooth decay, then seeking treatment for it as soon as possible may be the best idea. (more…)

Times When Your Tooth Needs a Dental Crown

Many people recognize dental crowns as a way to completely restore a tooth. When a crown is placed over the tooth, it caps it entirely, shielding it from the pressures of biting and chewing, and protecting it from sustaining any further damage. However, that level of restoration isn’t always necessary to repair a tooth, and before recommending a dental crown, your dentist will carefully inspect the tooth to determine if it’s the right option. (more…)

What Treating Tooth Decay Really Means

When it comes to your dental health, prevention can mean a lot of things. Every day, you should prevent the buildup of dental plaque by brushing at least twice and flossing at least once. Every six months or so, you should prevent any lingering tartar buildup from remaining too long by attending a professional dental cleaning. When it comes to tooth decay, however, prevention may mean stopping it from developing it at all, or it may mean treating the decay as soon as possible to prevent it from causing even more severe problems for your tooth. (more…)

3 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Clean All Day

Of all the different dental hygiene tips you can use to make your daily routine better, all can be boiled down to four simple words: keep your teeth clean. Their biggest threats are the oral bacteria that form plaque on their surfaces every day, and the only way to protect your teeth is to consistently clean these bacteria off of them. The foundation of that idea is to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once, every day. However, there’s more to it than that, and you can do a lot more to help ensure that your teeth stay clean throughout the entire day. (more…)

How to Make Healthy Teeth Stronger

The fact that healthy teeth are the strongest parts of the human body can sometimes trick people into believing their teeth are almost invulnerable. Knowing how strong they are can make things like dental hygiene less important, for example, or make it seem like no big deal if you skip a dental checkup and cleaning once in a while. However, the strength and integrity of your teeth can be compromised in several ways, and the point of caring for them consistently is to prevent this from happening. (more…)

Do You Snore a Lot? Try These Tips to Stop

Aside from the constant (and justified) complaints from your sleeping partner, you might not think your snoring habit is something you really need to worry about it. It’s common enough that almost everyone snores once in a while, and it must not be serious if it’s the butt of so many jokes. However, the truth is that chronic snoring is nothing to laugh about, and not just because of the aggravation it causes those who have to hear it. Today, we examine a few tips to help you stop a common snoring habit, and get the more peaceful and restful sleep that you and your loved ones deserve. (more…)