We Can Restore A Broken Tooth!

When you suffer a dental emergency, such as a broken tooth, especially at a busy or stressful time in your life, you may be concerned about the time it will take to fix the tooth. However, you should never put off emergency dental care and, at the Dental Centre of Conroe, we are always ready, able, and available to take care of you when a dental disaster strikes. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will share the ways in which we can restore your broken tooth and why you should never wait to call us when your teeth suffer physical trauma.


How To Handle A Dental Emergency

A dental emergency is defined as anything that negatively affects your oral health and cannot or should not be put off until tomorrow. However, it can be difficult to know if your problems are severe enough to qualify for this definition. So, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will explain some situations in which you might need emergency dentistry, and how we handle these cases in our office.


A Healthy Mouth Helps A Healthy Body

As we spoke about last week, oral health issues can affect your overall health in extremely negative ways. However, in this time of concern for our physical health, we at the Dental Centre of Conroe saw fit to write about ways that you can keep your smile healthy in order to keep your risk of associated illnesses lower. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the oral-systemic link, or how your oral health affects your overall health, and how to keep yourself healthy by maintaining proper oral hygiene practices.


Gum Disease And Stroke Risk

Almost half of all Americans will experience advanced gum disease, called periodontitis, during adulthood, and most people will experience some form of it during their lifetime. While this may make periodontal disease sound normal, dental health issues should never be normalized, and can lead to other issues that can affect your whole body. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the recently discovered link between gum disease and a higher stroke risk, and what you can do to protect yourself against these issues.


Getting A Custom Dental Crown Is Simple!

When you lose part of your tooth to decay or a dental emergency like a break or chip, you may be worried that you will lose your whole tooth. At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we don’t want you to despair in these situations, as we offer an option to preserve what remains of your tooth in as little as one visit. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the ways in which a custom made dental crown can help restore your natural tooth.


The Benefits Of Dentures

When you lose your teeth, which happens to many people as they age, it can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment. At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we don’t want you to feel embarrassed about your smile, so we offer a great solution to restore your smile to its full glory. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss the two types of dentures that we offer in our office, as well as the benefits of restoring your smile in this way.


3 Women Who Made Dental History

We are now more than a week into March, which is also National Women’s History Month, making it a great time to discuss some of the influential women who have made dental history. While there are too many impactful women to mention them all, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will share the stories of three female dentists who changed the course of dentistry, paving the way for all women to have opportunities in the dental profession.


Experience Humble’s Natural Beauty At Naturefest

The outdoors are naturally beautiful, so it makes sense that we enjoy being surrounded by nature. So, if you feel like your smile is less than beautiful, and you don’t enjoy smiling and laughing because of the embarrassment it causes you, be sure to call the Dental Centre of Conroe so that your Conroe, TX, dentist can consult with you about the solutions we can offer to improve your smile and make you feel naturally beautiful again. Then, visit Naturefest to soak in the outdoors and all the natural beauty that our community has to offer.


Reasons To Choose A Dental Bridge

If you have lost a tooth, or even a few in a row, due to an accident or as a result of decay, you may be curious about your options. At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we want you to love your smile, and for it to be as healthy as possible. So, we offer solutions to tooth loss that will fit your unique situation and smile. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss one such solution, a dental bridge, and the reasons that it could be the right choice for you.


Suffering From Sleep Apnea? Visit Your Dentist!

If you have trouble sleeping due to snoring and often feel fatigued and slow moving during the day, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. While snoring is typically a symptom that annoys others more than it annoys the person snoring, the lasting effects of restless sleep can take a huge toll on your quality of life. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will explain the symptoms associated with this sleep disorder, and the treatment that we offer at the Dental Centre of Conroe to improve your sleep and help you to feel rested.
