What to Expect from Implant Supported Dentures

implant supported denturesDentures are available in many forms, from partial to full, stabilized by implants, or traditional suction-held prosthesis. However, the world of implant supported dentures is steadily growing due to the unwavering demand for a stronger, more useful restoration. Implants placed in your jaw can be used to snap your denture in place, and prevent sliding or gum abrasions; also, you may also find that the security of implants allows you to eat a wider a variety of foods, which can benefit your overall health. (more…)

Considering TMJ Disorder Treatment?

man suffering from bruxism and tmj disorderJaw and head pain can be incredibly debilitating, especially when you are unsure of the cause and if treatment is available. TMJ Disorder often presents itself as soreness, clicking, or discomfort surrounding the major joints that connect your jaw and skull. Without treatment, side effects like tooth damage and severe, chronic headaches are likely to plague you. If you have considered seeking treatment for suspected jaw joint problems, continue reading to find out why sooner might be better than later. (more…)

The Pertinent Facts About Today’s Tooth Fillings

tooth tracing a cavity's developmentNot long ago, a tooth filling meant a metal restoration that not only restored a tooth afflicted with a cavity, but was also visible through your semi-translucent tooth structure. If your cavity was in a tooth that is easily noticeable, then the metal filling that restored it would be noticeable, too. Today, however, more and more patients are opting for tooth-colored fillings that not only blend in with your tooth structure, but also offer more effective results than metal amalgam. (more…)

Your Porcelain Veneer FAQs

smilebrunettefreesiaIf you’re looking to learn more about porcelain veneers and have questions, you probably already know that this cosmetic treatment offers an incredible list of benefits. Starting with whitening your smile, veneers may also fill spaces between your teeth, camouflage concerns like chips and cracks, and can even improve the shape and length of your teeth. But you may wish to know more about what you can expect from this solution over the course of time. To help you feel good about your decision to improve your smile’s appearance, we have gathered answers to the following frequently asked questions:


The Truth About Root Canals: Part II

root canal being finishedHave you ever found yourself reluctant to visit the dentist because you feared needing a root canal? Many people procrastinate when it comes to routine dental visits; but without regular care, your oral health can deteriorate quickly. Chances are, if you have a painful tooth that throbs when you eat or drink, bacteria has already invaded your tooth and must be stopped to ease your pain. The root canal procedure is a common, permanent solution for deep, painful, tooth decay. (more…)

The Truth About Root Canals: Part I

about root canalsWhen there is a problem with your tooth, your dentist will recommend the most effective treatment available that will preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible. Depending on the level of decay, this could mean a filling or crown. But if the infection has spread to the pulp of your tooth, a root canal may be your best option to promote jaw bone density and create an extremely natural looking restoration. Although it is commonly portrayed in a negative light, root canal therapy carries a multitude of oral health benefits. (more…)

Mobile Cooking Classes in Conroe

womanmakingdinnerFeeling a bit sugared out as a result of Valentine’s Day – and the seemingly endless stream of food-heavy holidays that precede it? Wish you could take a cooking class that would steer you in the right direction but either the cost or the commitment is just not something you’re interested in at the moment? Lucky you, there’s a mobile cooking school coming through Conroe that offers you all the benefits – and it’s free! If this is music to your ears, tell a friend or family members (or several) and warm up those fingers. It’s time to get cooking.


Test Your Knowledge of Bruxism

man learning about bruxismAlthough common, grinding your teeth is an unhealthy habit that occasionally requires treatment to fix. Many people are unaware of their nightly bruxism sessions until a loved one brings it to their attention. If you find yourself waking with headaches, sore jaw muscles, or other discomfort associated with your mouth, head, or neck, it may be time to speak to your dentist. There are many treatments available, and you may find that destressing your life can greatly reduce the occurrence of teeth grinding. (more…)

Reasons You Should Not Skip Your Dental Cleaning

smilessparklingLike many patients, you may find yourself wondering if it’s really any big deal if you skip your next appointment to see us. When it comes to keeping your smile clean, it is very important that you do not skip your dental cleaning. We can understand why patients assume missing a visit or two is no cause for concern. However, from our professional standpoint and mastery of oral health, we would like to explain why it’s so important you keep a consistent schedule for six-month cleanings. Interested in learning more? Take the following into consideration:


Dental Crowns: Your FAQs

crownfortoothAre you curious about the benefits offered by dental crowns? Have we mentioned that this prosthetic may improve your smile but you aren’t quite sure what a crown is or how it may help improve your appearance or oral health? These artificial teeth provide patients with a wide variety of advantages. We encourage you to become familiar with this restorative treatment by looking over the following FAQs – and accompanying answers – so you can feel confident about bettering your smile:
